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Belize is safe for travels: ZIKA FREE

Do you have travel plans to Belize, but now you are unsure of what to do, because of everything you have been hearing about the Zika Virus (ZIK-V)? Well you're not alone, right now there are literally millions of people who are trying to decide whether or not to keep their travel plans because they are worried about the Zika virus.

While the virus is causing fear and panic, as more and more neighboring countries are reporting cases of zika, we are happy to mention that BELIZE IS ZIKA FREE, with the help of https://dietitianlavleen.com/where-to-get-ambien/ health agencies educating the public on preventative actions and in seeing that these and other actions occur within our borders.

In the recent blog from mashable “What Zika means for your travel plans” shares some great travel tips if you're planning on traveling in light of the recent concerns. 

If you have any further questions please feel free contact our travel agents at 1-866-822-2278 or email info@adventuresinbelize.com 


Tags: adventures in belize, belize travel tips,